Sunday, September 23, 2012


Oh wow, what a surprise.  Lindsay Lohan has been arrested again.  Despite being wealthy enough to get a limousine to drive her home everytime she gets drunk (again), she chose to drive herself.  Bad move.  A drunk and possibly stoned Lindsay Lohan ran over a pedestrian---A New York City based cook named Jose Rodriguez.  She then fled the scene in what was considered a hit and run.  She later returned and was arrested for drunk (and possibly stoned) driving.  Oh yes, running somebody over with a car is also considered an offense that a person could get thrown in jail for.  New York City police doesn't care if there was a walk signal at the time or not, running over a pedestrian with a car is still illegal.  And so Lindsay Lohan will need to show up in a NEW YORK CITY BASED COURTROOM instead of a LOS ANGELES BASED COURTROOM.  Will the NEW YORK CITY BASED COURTROOM give her house arrest like the LOS ANGELES BASED COURTROOM gave to her?  We'll find out as Lindsay Lohan's courtroom date gets closer.  If I were in Lindsay Lohan's shoes, I'd consider getting an apartment in New York City, New York because it appears as if she's going to be living there for quit a while.

And the month started with so much promise.  Lindsay Lohan showed up to Lady GaGa's Fame Perfume launch at the famous Guggenheim Museum also in New York City, New York.  Lindsay Lohan is no longer popular enough to get her own perfume scent, but Lady Gaga certainly is popular enough to get her own perfume scent.

Not only was Lindsay Lohan hanging out with Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta aka Lady Gaga, she was busy trying to avoid filming her part in the horror film slasher Scary Movie Part Five.  Both Lindsay Lohan and Charlie Sheen were the opening teaser murders.  Lindsay Lohan agreed only to realize that her part was going to make fun of her frequent drug and alcholism arrests.  So she faced illness only to be faced with a lawsuit if she didn't show up for work, get chased by a serial killer, get metephorically raped and murdered according to the script.  So I'm guessing she eventually showed up to work to get murdered by a serial killer to avoid getting slapped by a lawsuit.  Lindsay Lohan was busy getting killed off by a serial killer so that film viewers can masturbate like crazy while her character was busy dying on set in Atlanta, Georgia.
Lindsay Lohan filming Scary Movie 5 in Atlanta 
Lindsay Lohan filming Scary Movie 5 in Atlanta
Lindsay Lohan filming Scary Movie 5 in Atlanta
Lindsay Lohan filming Scary Movie 5 in Atlanta
So first, Lindsay Lohan flew by private airplane to Atlanta, Georgia possibly to get murdered by a fornicating masturbating serial killer so that the film audience can masturbate while watching her fictional character get killed by a sex crime offender.  Then she flew to New York City, New York to help Lady Gaga launch her new perfume at the Guggenheim Museum.  Then she got arrested for running down a pedestrian.  She might be free on bail by now.
Here is a photo of film actress Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan long ago before Lindsay's problem with frequently getting arrested for alcoholism and drug addiction disorders.  They were filming Freaky Friday at the time.  Lindsay Lohan has been dropped by her record lable and she hasn't starred in a major Hollywood film for a very long time.  It's a miricle she's still employed as a VERY FAMOUS ACTRESS and she's not employed as a VERY FAMOUS ROCK STAR anymore.

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