Sunday, September 16, 2012


Well, a new judge panel as been chosen to replace the American Idol judge panel of Steve Tyler, Jennifer Lopez.  The soul music dominated panel of Mariah Carey, Nicki Minaj, Keith Urban, Randy Jackson (Michael Jackson's brother and former member of the Jackson 5 (also called the Jackson)) will be the cast for the next season of American Idol.  Essentially, Keith Urban will be the only Caucasian in a panel filled with African-Americans.  Of course I knew that getting Mariah Carey to agree would be easy since her lawfully wedded spouse Nick Cannon is the host of America's Got Talent (Another Simon Cowell produced talent show game show).  I knew that Randy Jackson would agree to stay on the judge panel despite earlier rumors that he would either be kicked off the show or demoted.  The legacy of Michael Jackson is much to powerful to possibly ignore.  I didn't knew that Nicki Minaj and Keith Urban was even vaguely interested.  At any rate, American Idol continues it's struggle to save itself from being canceled after the departure of Simon Cowell (Which American Idol still never recovered from).
Oh yes, Voyager 2 spaceship is very close to leaving the Solar System.  After flying past the planets Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus (I feel sorry for the poor shmuck who's stuck living on that planet with the detestable sounding name), Voyager 2 has finished with it's primary mission.  It only took thirty-five years for Voyager 2 to fly from the planet Earth to the edge of the Solar System at top speed.  So will there be life on other planets far beyond the Solar System?  Well the Voyager 2 Spaceship has the Sounds of Earth gold phonograph record for life on other planets to listen to as a peace making gesture to possible life on other planets beyond the Solar System.  Of course, there's always the chance that Voyager 2 Spaceship will erode beyond repair before it ever reaches a planet full of intelligent life forms beyond the Solar System.  In that case, having the Sounds of Earth phonograph record will be pointless.  But hey, it's worth the effort.
Here are some photos of film actress Winona Ryder.



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