Saturday, September 29, 2012


Sofia Vergara was talking to her agent as they both crossed the street nearby the studio where the television show Modern Family was shot at.  She was on her way to work at the sitcom series. 
SOFIA:  I don't care if I live only a mile away from the filming set.  I want a mobile home the size of three city blocks next to the filming set.  I want my own private helicopter.  I want a limousine bigger than any other the other cast members.  And I want my own team of DNA evidence removing team. 
TALENT AGENT:  Why do you want your own team of DNA Evidence Removing Team?
SOFIA:  Because in case I leave behind any of my DNA on any physical surface, I want my own DNA Evidence Removing Team to remove such DNA evidence.  I saw CSI and I want one of those for myself.  And I want you to remove all furniture from my hotel room and place furniture from my own house into my hotel room.
TALENT AGENT:  I don't know about this Sofia.  Your list of demands is starting to get a bit excessive.
SOFIA:  I don't care.  I'm a very huge celebrity.  the Producers of the show Modern Family should be able to follow through with my demands or else I'm walking.
Suddenly, a Colorful Action Costume Wearing Super-Hero dressed like a ladybug, a second Colorful Action Costume Wearing Super-Hero dressed like a squid, a third Colorful Action Costume Wearing Super-Hero dressed as a gay Hells Angel's biker with his skull set on fire and a fourth Colorful Action Costume Wearing Super-Hero dressed like a gay viking ran down east to west down the street while Sofia and her agent was walking north to south down that same intersection.
SOFIA:  Is somebody making a film that I'm not aware of?
TALENT AGENT:  Those were actual Super-Heros.
SOFIA:  I thought this was a crime free end of town.
TALENT AGENT:  I thought so too.  I guess things change.






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