Friday, October 5, 2012


There was a short temporary blackout at the public library.  It only lasted for less than a minute.  Thankfully, I was able to recover my work quickly and was able to continue exactly where I left off.  To be more exact, since this blogger blog software has the ability to make backup of everything that I typed out, there wasn't much data that was lost.  I always make backup of everything that I've done in case the rare infequent blackout causes the laptop computer to go dark for a minute or longer.  Thankfully, blackouts isn't as common in Cleveland, Ohio like they are in Columbus, Ohio.  I'd be screwed otherwise.  Of course, it helps that desktop computers require a typewriter keyboard to enter data.  Using a typewriter keyboard to enter data into a desktop comuter is an amazing time saving device.  I can't think of using a computer that doesn't have a typewriter keyboard to enter data.  Such a concept is too antique and outdated to possibly consider as a possiblity. 
As I'm lost in thought about computers and electrical blackouts, here are some photos of film actress Gwyneth Paltrow.



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