Saturday, October 13, 2012


I have found that keeping calm have always gotten me far.  If a person's life is falling apart, going into a panic mode won't make the fallen apart life better.  The problems will still be there after the panic attack mode has ended.  And keeping calm has always given the general public a better perception of me.  I'm not saying that showing emotion is bad.  If sadness is felt, then go ahead and feel sadness.  However, moderation and calm is always the preferred mode of thought and action.  I try to have a life of calm rationality.  Of course, some of my spending habits might be perceieved as irrational.  I keep forgetting that when earning minumum wage, materialism and excessive accumilation of personal possessions isn't always the best policy.  That much I keep forgetting and continue to struggle to get a lid on.  Some months I'm better at keeping a budget than other months.  Keeping calm and staying on budget is always important. 
Here are some photos of film and television actress Olivia Wilde.

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