Friday, October 19, 2012


The skies are cloudy once again.  No rain, but it's a chilly Auttumn Day.  The Gentle Reader and I slowly continue our march towards Winter.  It's not Winter yet, but it's slowly getting there.  And what happens when Winter arrives beyond all of the snow and the ice?  I guess life continues as it always existed, except the weather is colder.  Each season of the year as it's unique purpose.  In the case of Winter, it's to guarantee that somehow the polar ice caps will remain frozen over despite the Human Race's worst efforts to melt them down?!?!?!?!  Why would anybody be dumb enough to melt down all the polar ice caps?!?!?!?!  Just because the Holy Bible ends with the Book of Revelations and not the Book of Global Warming and Melted Polar Ice Caps we're going to just sit there and be creators of our own doom and obliteration.  It's a darn shame if such a fate befalls the Human Race.  However, if snow does fall, then maybe Global Warming won't end the Human Race today and the Human Race still has a chance to save itself from self destruction.  However, the Gentle Reader and I won't have to deal with Winter today.  Right now it's Auttumn.  The Gentle Reader and I shall enjoy the Auttumn while it's still here for us to take part of.
As I'm lost in thought about Auttumn weather and anticipate the arrival of Winter weather, here are some photos of rock star Natasha Kahn aka Bat For Lashes.



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