Saturday, October 13, 2012



I have a question for the Gentle Reader. Which weekend day is your favorite? Is Saturday better than Sunday? Is Sunday better than Saturday? What's the difference? Well, Sunday has the special religious significance that GOD rested after spending only seven days making the entire universe (Earth included). Saturday has no religious significance beyond being the opening act before Sunday takes to the stage. Still, Saturday has it's uses too. It really makes no difference if those uses that Saturday has isn't religious in nature. So is Saturday better than Sunday? Is Sunday better than Saturday. Actually both has it's uses and values so i would pick both Saturday and Sunday as being equally important and useful.


Let's see, Sunday was the day GOD rested after spending six days creating the universe and the Earth. I don't see how it's possible to create the universe and everything within the span of only 144 hours, but I guess that's why GOD is referred to as GOD and never referred to as Tommy instead. And while Sunday is the end of the weekend, Monday is the start of the weekday. Though as I've said previously, if a person is working minimum wage and the days off is actually on both Tuesday and Wednesday, then both Tuesday and Wednesday ends up becoming the weekend. But Monday still gets credit for being the start of the weekday even if such an event has no significance to those who work minumum wage. 


It goes without saying that what I'm about to say isn't relevent to a minimum wage laborer who has a day off on Monday and Thursday. In that case, both Monday and Thursday becomes the replacement weekend. But for those who actually can afford the more traditional work week, Monday is the start of the five day weekday cycle. Tuesday by contrast is stuck in the middle near the start of the five day weekday cycle. Though there is nothing significant about being stuck near the start of the middle of the five day weekday cycle, somebody has to occupy the middle. The middle is neither the start nor is the end. The middle is just in the process of being completed. And sometimes being in the middle is just as good.


For those who work minimum wage and have a day off on Thursday and Friday, those days end up becoming the weekend. The following only applies for those who actually have a day off on Saturday and Sunday. For those particular individuals, Tuesday and Wednesday are the exact middle of the weekday cycle. There's not much difference between Tuesday and Wednesday since both days pretty much accomplish the same function. And so for those who actually have a day off on Saturday and Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday pretty much is interchangeable. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Having interchangable days of the week is just as good.


Keep in mind that if a person is working minimum wage and has a day off on Monday and Friday, then Monday and Friday would qualify as their version of the weekend. What I'm about to say only qualifies for those who actually has a day off on Saturday and Sunday only and consistantly week after week. For those with such luxury at their disposal, Then Wednesday and Thursday officially would be the middle portion of the five day weekday cycle. The difference is that while Wednesday is in the middle of the middle, Thursday is the end of the middle. However, the five day weekday cycle in particular and the seven day week cycle in general is exactly in the middle of everything for Wednesday while thursday is moving us closer to the weekend. We're not there yet, but the hours are ticking closer towards the conclusion of both the five day weekday cycle and the seven day week cycle.


Try to keep in mind that if your day off is actually Monday and Wednesday, then those two days are actually the weekend. When I talk about Saturday and Sunday being the weekend, I'm assuming that the person in question actually has a day off work on those two days. Anyway, using the traditional five day weekday cycle and the two day weekend cycle as a model, then Thursday is the end of the middle portion of the five day weekday cycle. We're reaching both the end of the five day weekday cycle and the end of the seven day week cycle. I'm saying that because Friday is the end of the five day weekday cycle. The traditional weekend is coming up. And when the arrival of the two day weekend cycle arrives, those who actually has a day off on Saturday and Sunday will be able to rest. Those who are employed on Saturday and Sunday will need to keep working to earn enough of a slary to survive on.


So when I'm saying this, I'm assuming that the person in question actually has Saturday and Sunday off work. For those who work Wednesday and Thursday, Wednesday and Thursday ends up becoming the weekend instead. And from the perspective of the traditional five day weekday cycle, the two day weekend cycle and the seven day week cycle, the following would be perceived as being true. While Friday is the end of the five day weekday cycle, Saturday is the start of the two day weekend cycle. So with Friday we have the end of something and with Saturday we have the start of something else. But don't worry Gentle Reader, the five day weekday cycle shall return forty-eight hours from now.


And so everything goes full circle. The seven day week cycle began on Saturday and it begins again on Saturday. The end of the previous week becomes the start of the new week. The end of the old becomes the start of the new. The start and the end are essentially in the same spot, but exactly seven days apart from each other. And so the story starts anew. Gentle Reader, come and join me in the celebration of the arrival of a brand new week and a brand new era in our life story.

Here are some photos of film actress Heather Graham.

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