Saturday, October 27, 2012


And after having performed a toe tapping musical extraviganza style song and dance in the middle of a grocery store while shopping for groceries, Lea Michele was still worried about Sue Sylvester latest plot to shut down the McKinley High School Glee Club.  So Lea Michele took Darren Chris to the Big Brothers and Big Sisters charity fund raising.  There was a method to her madness.  Upon learning that Darren Chris was part of Sue Sylvester's latest plot to shut down the McKinley High High School Glee Club, Lea Michele asked him out on a date.  Then she was going to poison his fruit punch when he's not looking and have him die in front of hundreds of people before slipping away undetected into the night.  It was a brillient plan.  Lea Michele was convinced it was going to take.  The only person who can defeat and kill Lea Michele and save Darren Chris is afraid to be among hundreds of people and that's exactly what's going on right now.  And as Lea Michelle placed fast acting poison into Darren Chris' drink she started a conversation.  Darren Chris lovingly kissed her before he moved to drink his poisoned fruit punch.  His Would Be Rescuer would need to overcome the fear of being among hundreds of people, but doesn't have the courage to do so.  The only logical conclusion for the Would Be Rescuer to defeat and kill Lea Michele, rescue Darren Chris without harming hundreds of people attending the Big Brother and Big Sister Charity Fund Raiser is....
This story will be continued tomorrow....

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