Wednesday, October 31, 2012


With rain pouring from the sky non-stop since October 26, 2012, the Gentle Reader would've figured out by now that I'll be carrying an umbrella to the public library and later to my employment at Red Lobster by now.  However, I keep forgetting to do such a thing.  Don't get me wrong, I do own an umbrella.  It's a very nice umbrella.  I simply keep forgetting to actually bring it along with me.  And that defeats the whole purpose of actually purchasing an umbrella.  However, I'll find a better way to remember to bring my umbrella along with me in the future.  In the meantime, I'm enjoying close to a week worth of non-stop rain.  Keep in mind, that there's forty-eight hours left before the non-stop rain officially becomes a week worth on non-stop rain.  Until then, it's only close to a week worth of rain.  Ah yes, terminology is very very important.
While I'm lost in thought while standing in the pouring rain, here are some photos of Nikki Reed.


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