Sunday, October 14, 2012


Of course the Conservatives would view clean energy such as windmills and electric cars to be pointless.  If clean energy ever produces a more productive alternative to gasoline, then nobody would be using gasoline anymore.  All those oil drilling companies, all those gas stations and all those oil refineries would be in danger.  All those wars the United States has been waging in the Middle East would be halted.  Clean energy is the enemy of BP and Exxon because there's no way they can windmills and electric volts for electric cars in a reasonable manner.  And yes, all those minimum wage employees are probably thankful that there isn't clean energy to endanger their lives too.  So anytime you see a Conservative scoffing at clean energy such as windmills or electric cars, it isn't because such technology is useless (It really isn't), but rather it's because big oil companies doesn't know how to compete against clean energy (Yet).
As I'm lost in thought about clean energy alternatives to gasoline, here are some photos of rock star Lizzy Grant aka Lana Del Rey.

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