Wednesday, October 3, 2012


So it goes like this.  On the television series the X-Files, Gillian Anderson plays Special Agent Dana Katherine Scully, M.D. and David  Duchovny plays Special Agent Fox William Mulder.  He started to investigate alian invasion from outer space after his sister was kidnapped and never recovered.  She was hired by evil villains to keep tabs on him, learn the truth about his investigation into alian invasion and report what she knows to the villains in return for salary payments.  Fox Mulder may have turned Dana Scully to his side or maybe she was only pretending to be turned as part of a deep undercover operation against him.  Fox Mulder may have no reason to trust Dana Scully, but she's the only ally he's got right now.  You seen Fox Mulder is an outcast who is being ignored by everybody working for the FBI except for possible double agent Dana Scully. 
Everything changes in December 22, 2012 when aliens from outer space invade the planet Earth.  The physical appearance of the Aliens From Outer Space is finally known on December 22, 2012 and when the physical appearance of the aliens from outer space is finally known, it's impossible to go back to the way things were.  It's time for an energy wave to sweep across the Earth and rewrite continuity beyond recognition as the United States Government is overthrown on December 22, 2012.  December 22, 2012 is also the date that the South American Mayan Calander runs out of years, months and days.  I mean, the South American Mayan Calander literally stops dead in it's tracks on the exact date of December 22, 2012.  We can't rely on the South American Mayan Calander to guide us beyond December 22, 2012.  
Flash forward to February 23, 2014,   Special Agent Dana Katherine Scully, M.D. turns fifty years old.  She's fifty years away from turning one hundred years old.  It's time for a midlife crises for the FBI agent with possible double agent tendencies.
In the X-Files episode Synchrony, to prevent time travel from being created, Jason Nichols travels backwards from the year 2037 to stop time travel from being invented and thus creates a time paradox because he never traveled from the future and yet here he is.  He may have blurted out what will happen to everybody in the future.
In the X-Files episode The Sixth Extinction II:  Amor Fati, a dream sequence has Fox Mulder having a conversation with his sworn arch enemy the mysterious Cigarette Smoking Man (Who was never given a proper name) in the year 2040 inside a unknown building while an alien spacecraft was both destroying and enslaving human beings after the overthrow of the United States Government.  The entire planet Earth either belongs to Aliens From Outer Space or about to belong to Aliens From Outer Space.  Obviously, this will make another volume of the X-Files episodes impossible if nothing of the sort actually happens on either December 22, 2012, the year 2037 or the year 2040.
Oh yes, the date December 22, 2012 is only 81 days away from now.  In other words, the United States of America only has 81 days of democracy left before Aliens From Outer Space overthrow the President of the United States somewhere close to Christmas.  "Ho. Ho. Ho.  Merry Christmas," says evil E.T. as it blasts Human Beings into a thousand tiny pieces. 
While I'm lost in thought about the television show the X-Files, here are some photos of film and television actress Gillian Anderson.



 Gillian Anderson Viktor Rolf Flowerbomb 2006 1
Gillian Anderson Viktor Rolf Flowerbomb 2006 2

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