Tuesday, October 23, 2012


It felt like Indian Summer yesterday.  The sky was blue and the weather felt closer to late Spring than middle Autumn.  Then dark rain clouds started to gather above me in the sky while I was in the library working on the computer in the computer lab.  Then rain fell while I was asleep last night.  The rain has stopped falling and it's still too dark outside to know if it's still cloudy outside.  I guess I could check to see if there are any stars out there in the sky.  If I could see the stars, then it's not cloudy anymore.  If I can't see the stars, then it's still cloudy outside.  Obviously, if I can't see the stars because it's cloudy outside doesn't mean that the stars are gone forever.  The stars are still out there, I just can't see the stars, planets and galaxies anymore because there are clouds in the way.  At any rate, I should check the weather reports to find out what the weather will be like today.  Let's see, using the Internet, I log onto www.Yahoo.com and type in the search bar weather, Cleveland, Ohio.  Oh yeah, it's wonderful that the Internet is connected to every single computer the world has ever seen.  Hooking up the Internet to every computer that ever existed makes life so much easier.  Ok, what's the weather like.  According to the Internet, the high is sixty-six and the low is fifty-nine.  Tomorrow, the high is seventy-one and the low is fifty-one.  Both today and tomorrow is projected to be cloudy.  Tomorrow has the chance for rain.  Thursday has sunny blue skies with a high of seventy-two and a low of fifty-seven.
And as I'm lost in thought about police procedure television shows, here are some photos of film actress, television actress and rock star Victoria Justice.

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