Sunday, November 11, 2012


Coffee doesn't have to be enjoyed only in the morning.  Coffee is something that can be drunk all day long.  Anybody who ordered a cup of coffee at Starbucks knows that truth very well.  Starbucks won't even be open anymore if coffee was only allowed to be enjoyed in the morning.  To be honest, I can't afford to drink coffee at Starbucks very often.  What little cash I earn has to be used to repay my United States college tuition loans for attending, but failing to graduate (Despite getting 3.0 grade point averages in all my classes, but only two of them are math classes and the rest are theory) Franklin University.  Oh yes, I can't wait for my college tuition loans to be repayed so that I don't have to say that sentence in my blogs so often.  That sentence keeps getting longer and longer the more people ends up misinterpreting it.  Yet, repaying the college tuition loans is the cure for any and all ailments.  And that's more than worth it's weight in gold.
And as I'm lost in thought about the morning coffee, here are some photos of film and television actress Leighton Meester.

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