Monday, November 5, 2012


Daylight saving time can be very confusing.  I look upwards at the clock mounted very high in the wall and it says that it's 2:30.  I look at this computer and it says that it's 1:30.  And it takes much thought to decide if I should follow the wall clock or the clock as used by the computer.  And since computer observes daylight saving time much better than humans, then the answer is clear.  Follow the computer perception what time it is.  And armed with such knowledge, I'm able to schedule my day to day activities much better.  It's better to plan my day to day activities if I know what time it is.  Knowing what time it is one of the most basic necessities the human race could possibly want to have.  Always remember that daylight saving time on this date usually means that clocks are rolled backwards an hour.  Oh yes, such a concept takes a while to get used to, but is more than worth the time to adjust the clocks twice a year.
And as I'm lost in thought while surrounded by clocks, here are some photos of rock star Alanis Morissette.





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