Thursday, November 8, 2012


And so Auttumn has replaced Summer.  Cold weather has replaced warm weather.  And I'm in the public library surfing the Internet in the computer lab.  I'm typing this in a computer terminal that's rented out for free for a limited period of time.  I'm surrounded by people as I write this out.  People walking past me are glancing at what I'm writing.  I'm thankful for the invention of desktop computers.  The microchip continues to be the one of the best ever invention ever to replace the vacuum tube (Which thankfully isn't manufactured or used anymore).  It's still a long six months before it's possible to lie down on the grass to look upwards at the sky.  It's too cold outside for such a thing.  And with Auttumn, the arrival of Winter won't be far behind.  A change of seasons is upon us all Gentle Reader.  Don't fear though, because Summer will be back next year.
And as I'm lost in thought about the change of seasons, here are some photos of film and television actress Hayden Panettiere.

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