Friday, November 2, 2012


Two days from now is the thirty-third anniversary of Ayatollah Khomeini's overthrow of the Shah Mohammad Rezā Shāh Pahlavī in 1979.  When the United States of America refused to deport Mohammad Rezā Shāh Pahlavī to stand trial for crimes of supporting the United States of America and other charges, Ayatollah Khomeini had his army and terrorism forces take the United States of America embassy in Tehran, Iran hostage for 444 days.  Thirty-three years later, it's still celebrated as a holiday in Iran called National Day of Fighting Against Global Arrogance.  Essentially, elementry school children are marched across the former United States of America Embessy and told to chant, "Death to America."  The surviving relatives of those who died overthrowing Shah Mohammad Rezā Shāh Pahlavī, died taking over the United States Embessy and taking it's staff hostage for 444 days makes speaches supporting terrorism and pro-Russia politics.  And then pro-Russia members of the Ayatollah's government makes speaches about how horrible the United States of America is.  Normally, National Day of FightingAgainst Global Arrogance is held on November 4, 2012, but this year it's held two days early because of the Iranian calander leap year and the four day Islamic holiday of Eid al-Adha. 
Meanwhile, in Cuba, another pro-Russia government of Cuba is starting to wonder how China got away with holding an olympic games, how Russia got away with holidng two Olympic Games and nobody gave them an Olympic Games of their own.  And for those who are curious (And for those who never really gave a darn) here are all the people who have lead the South American Island nation of Cuba (Which had been a hard line Communism dictatorship with quasi-monarchy elements since February 16, 1959).
First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba  Raúl Castro (Fidel Castro's brother)
April 19, 2011 to Current
First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Fidel Castro
February 16, 1959 to April 19, 2011
President Carlos Manuel Piedra
January 2, 1959 – January 3, 1959
No photo griven
President  Anselmo Alliegro
January 1, 1959 – January 2, 1959
President Fulgencio Batista
March 10, 1952 – January 1, 1959

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