Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Jeanne Moreau, Silvana Mangano, Carla Gravina, Barbara Bel Geddes, Vera Miles are now and forever regarded as Five Branded Women.
Kellie Pickler doesn't need hair anymore.  Oh no.  She moved far beyond needing hair for the rest of eternity.  But if you think you can escape hearing her music on the radio, then you might need to think about leaving town---Or perhaps even the planet.
Cate Blanchett hated her hairstyle so she took out a razor blade and she cut it all off.  All the way off.
Sigourney Weaver woke up and she realized that all of that long hair stuff on top of her head was really getting in the way.  Perhaps it was time to get rid of all that unnecessary long hair stuff that's been polluting the top of her head for such a long time.
While she was busy celebrating her brand new hairstyle, Sigourney Weaver encountered an unexpected visitor---A longtime girlfriend she lost track of.
"I would love to stay and chat, but I realized that I have a dental appointment.  Perhaps we'll talk later when I'm finished running for my life away from you, "Sigourney Weaver said to her girlfriend as she started to run as fast as her legs could carry her.
Sigourney Weaver hid behind Charles Dutton for the rest of the day.
Ellen Page's Opposite Gender Love Interest yells from downstairs to the upstairs bathroom where Ellen Page was busy shaving her head, "Come on honey, we're late for the church picnic."
Ellen Page yells from the upstairs bathroom where she was busy shaving her head to the downstairs living room where her Opposite Gender Love Interest was busy impatiently pacing back and forth, "In a minute darling, I'm busy styling my hair.  I'm almost done."

 Renee Zellweger was busy complimenting Robin Tunney on her brand new Neo Nazi Bootcamp Makeover which will cause Opposite Gender Love Interest Opportunities to come a running.

Queen Amidala (aka Natalie Portman) lost her hair in a game of truth or dare.
 Bijou Phillips may have lost her hair, but she still gets to own the pet dog.
Britney Spears went through a bald head phase.  Sadly, Britney Spears didn't record an album while she was in this very brief incarnation (Because it would've been a very cool album to listen to).  Important note to Britney Spears:  Try to attack a car with a hardware store hammer instead of a golf umbrella.  You'll cause a great deal more damage that way.

 Charlize Theron doesn't need hair when she's got a very cool hat to wear instead.
 Shhhh.  Be very quiet.  Demi Moore is praying to GOD

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