Thursday, November 22, 2012


Oh wow, it's almost already the end of November.  Wow, time really does fly by rather quickly.  One moment I was watching President Barack Obama get reelected and the next moment the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade is already upon us all.  The year 2012 has flown by much too quickly and there are times when I wonder if maybe a few more months could be added to the year 2012 to make it longer because there's so much that hasn't been done yet.  But then again, that's what the year 2013 has been created for---As the catch all category for all the things I didn't get to do in 2012, but might get to do in 2013.  Until Christmas and New Years Day arrives, I would like to wish everybody reading this Internet Blog a very happy Thanksgiving Day.  :)
And as I'm busy enjoying Thanksgiving Day, here are some photos of television actress Sarah Hyland.

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