Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Today is November 6, 2012.  Today is Election Day.  It's not just any Election Day.  Today is the day that President Barack Obama gets election President of the United States.  Today is the day we have a Democratic Party majority in both the United States Congress and in the United States Senate.  Today is the day we exercise our ability to choose the leader for the United States of America.  There are countries out there in which the leader of their country is chosen for them.  The United States of America isn't among them.  In the United States of America, the next leader of the country is chosen only by the citizens of the country that he will be charged with the responsibility of leading.  It's the leader of the country who has to be accountable to the citizens that he's leading.  And on this day, that person will be President Barack Obama and his second term in office.  So exercise your right to vote because we're living in a Democracy.  To be more exact, vote for President Barack Obama.  Because only President Barack Obama can restore the United States of America economy back to normal.
And as the Presidential Elections kicks into high gear, here are some photos of film and television actress Kristin Kreuk.





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