Friday, November 23, 2012


Gentle Reader, I don't know when she was born.  However, Annie Danielewski aka Poe was born in New York City, New York.  She's the daughter of famous Polish born film director Tad Danielewski (he was born under the name Tadeusz Zbigniew Danielewski).  Tad Danielewski was born March 29, 1921 and he died January 6, 1993.  His death from cancer at age seventy-one was to focus of Annie Danielewski aka Poe's second album Haunted which deftly wove audiotape recordings of her father into her punk rock electronic dance music experiments.  She was about to record a third album, but record company merger politics resulted in her first being accepted for a third album release and then dropped by the record label before the album could start recording.  Then a Texas Oil Company Businessman purchased all legal rights to her music and refused to allow her to tour or record from 2001 until 2011 when she finally purchased back the legal rights to all of her music and the legal right to perform her own material.  It wasn't known how an Unknown Oil Company Businessman ended up purchasing the legal rights to her music and performance image in the first place.  According to, Annie Danielewski aka Poe's version of the legal battle controversy are as follows....
My entire life was suddenly under the control of a very powerful man whom I didn’t know, and who didn’t [seem to] mean well. It was a horror story from which I am just beginning to recover.”
And so with Annie Danielewski aka Poe regaining legal control over her own songs and performance image once again, she'll once again be free to release her long awaited third album.  I for one can't wait to see what the Annie Danielewski aka Poe's third album will be like.




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