Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Now that Us Liberals have control over the White House for another four years, let's not forget the spirit of cooperation.  Let's reach across the asle to cooperate with the Conservatives to get important legislation passed.  Let's not go overboard with partician politics, but work in the true spirit of cooperation.  For while we waged a brutal attack advertisement campaign, I want you all to know there was nothing truly personal.  Now is the time for realing and making friends with Conservatives once again.  But right now, let's party like we never partied before because Us Liberals have prevented Mitt Romney from becoming President of the United States.  And the mistakes that George W. Bush has afflicted upon the political landscape won't be repeated---At least for the next four years.  Oh yes, this is one of the happiest days of my life.  President Barack Obama won and I'm overflowing with joy.  All is right with the world once again.  Come on Gentle Reader, let's get out there and celebrate like we never celebrated before.
And while I'm busy celebrating the reelection of President Barack Obama, here are some photos of film actress Jennifer Lawrence.



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