Thursday, December 13, 2012


And so I'm drinking a glass of water.  That's it.  Just simple ordinary water.  Though I could make coffee out of the water.  I could make tea out of the water.  I don't know how to make seltzer water out of the water, but it can be done somehow.  I try to avoid alcohol if it's possible.  However, it's today that I've chosen to drink an ordinary glass of water instead.  Actually, there is something extraordinary in an ordinary glass of water.  Just the plainess of the water itself is beyond amazing.  The water doesn't try anything spectacular.  The water just merely celebraits it's plainess and it does so without apology.  And there's something refreshing in an ordinary glass of water's desire not to outdo any other beverage.  The water is merely content with being itself. 
And as I'm lost in thought as I drink a glass of water, here are some photos of British born film actress Emily Blunt.

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