Monday, December 24, 2012


Well, I couldn't go to the computer lab in the Public Library yesterday, nor can I use the computer lab in the Public Library today or tomorrow.  The Public Library is closed for December 23, 24 and 25.  So I guess I'll have to alter my plans for today.  The snow is covering the ground like a white blanket.  Not much of the snow melted.  Perhaps patches of the snow closer to the house has melted, but none of the snow further from the house melted.  Nor has fresh snow fallen from the skies yet.  So I guess there will be a white Christmas after all, but I'm not sure if there's going to be a white New Years Day.  Perhaps the snow will remain all Winter, but this isn't the lake effect snow that weather reporters were predicting.  Then again, life moves so slowly in Cleveland, Ohio then even a modest falling of snow becomes a huge local news broadcast event.  At any rate, it's morning and I'll be needing to eat some breakfast soon. 
And as I'm lost in thought about snow that has fallen to the ground a few days ago, here are some photos of film actress Charlize Theron.

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