Saturday, December 1, 2012


There used to be a time when only the rich and famous was allowed to use a chair.  Ordinary people and pheasants were either forst to sit on a stool or was forced to sit on the floor.  In Ancient Egypt, only the Pharoah was allowed to sit on a chair and the chair was very decorative and composed of decorative wood, ivory and ebony.  The Tang Dynasty of the Chinese Monarchy from 618 - 907 AD was the first in China to use chairs only for the elite rich and powerful.  Everybody sat on the floor.  By the Twefth Century, everybody in China---The wealthy and the impoverished was allowed the use of chairs.  Europe waited until the Renaissance before everybody both wealthy and impoverished was allowed to use chairs.  Before then, only the wealthy and powerful was allowed to sit on a chair.  Everybody got either a stool or sat on the floor.  However, it wasn't until the sixteenth century before chair was taken for granted as necessary as a crucial part of ordinary life.
And as I'm lost in thought about the use of chairs, here are some photos of country music singer Taylor Swift.

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