Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Unless the Gentle Reader has been living in a cave for the past few decades, it's safe to assume that the Gentle Reader knows who Santa Claus is.  He dresses in a red and white fur coat and red and white fur pants, black boots, is weight impaired and is very happy.  Santa Claus tends to be a benevolent human being.  Santa Claus is associated with children and tends to be viewed as being safe for children, but that wasn't always the case.  In some Ancient and Medieval European societies, Santa Claus was considered an evil child abusing psychopath villain.
In Iceland, there's an old tradition built around Thirteen Yule Lads, their mother Grýla and their adopted father Leppalúði.  To be more exact, Grýla married three times and Leppalúði was her third spouse.  And children who were naughty was taken by Grýla and Leppalúði by their army of Thirteen Yule Men, chopped up, cooked in an oversized cauldren and eaten for dinner.

The Thirteen Yule Men all had names and personalties of their own.
Arriving on December 12 and leaving on December 25, we have Yule Man #1 named Stekkjastaur which is translated into Sheep-Cote Clod.  He murders, mains and terrorize the sheep herd.
Arriving on December 13 and leaving on December 26, we have Yule Man #2 named Giljagaur which is translated into Gully Gawk.  He's a jerk who steals milk away and leaves nothing for anybody else to enjoy.
Arriving on December 14 and leaving on December 27, we have Yule Man #3 named Stúfur which is translated into Stubby.  He steals pans that isn't washed because that's his only source of food (Without which, he'll starve).
Arriving on December 15 and leaving on December 28, we have Yule Man #4 named Þvörusleikir which is translated into Spoon Licker.  He steals unwashed spoons because that's his only source of food (Without whch, he'll starve).
Arriving on December 16 and leaving on December 29, we have Yule Man #5 named Pottaskefill which is translated into Pot Scraper.  He steals unwashed pots because that's his only source of food (Without which, he'll starve).
Arriving on December 17 and leaving on Decembr 30, we have Yule Man #6 named Askasleikir which is translated in Bowl Licker.  He steals unwashed bowls because that's his only source of food (Without which, he'll starve).
Arriving on December 18 and leaving on December 31, we have Yule Man #7 named Hurðaskellir which is translated into Door Slammer.  He's a bully who ruins the lives of Children by slamming the door non-stop throughout his two week visit to Iceland.
Arriving on December 19 and leaving on January 1, we have Yule Man #8 named Skyrgámur which is translated into Skyr (Yogurt) Gobbler.  He's a bully who steals refigerated Skyr (yogurt) because that's his only source of food (Without yogurt, he'll starve).
Arriving on December 20 and leaving on January 2, we have Yule Man #9 named Bjúgnakrækir which is translated into Sausage Swiper.  He steals referigerated Sausages as his only source of food (Without which, he'll starve).
Arriving on December 21 and leaving on January 3, we have Yule Man #10 named Gluggagægir which is tranlated into Window Peeper.  He's a bully who terrorizes children by looking through the window non-stop throughout his two week visit.
Arriving on December 22 and leaving on January 4, we have Yule Man #11 named Gáttaþefur which is translated into Doorway Sniffer.  He's a bully who terrorizes children by sniffing the door non-stop throughout his two week visit.
Arriving on December 23 and leaving on January 5, we have Yule Man #12 named Ketkrókur which is translated into Meat Hook.  He terrorizes children with a meat hook throughout his two week visit and steals referigerated meat as his only source of food (Without which, he'll starve).
Arriving on December 24 and leaving on January 6, we have the final Yule Man #13 named Kertasníkir which is translated into Candle Stealer.  He steals candles as his only source of food (Without which, he'll starve).

 Merry Christmas everybody and Happy New Year.

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