Sunday, December 30, 2012


Ok, here are some basic math. I was born in February 15, 1968. I was twenty-one (21) years old on February 15, 1989. I was thirty-two (32) years old on February 15, 2000. I'm going to be forty-five (45) years old on February 15, 2013. It goes without saying that people get older as time progresses. Scary reality alert! Starting next year, the year 2030, which is when I'll turn sixty-two (62) years old, will soon be 17 years away from now. The luxury of all the time in the world, which was taken for granted when I was a teenager in the 1980's, will soon be a distant memory. Soon to be seventeen years from now on the date February 15, 2030, all the age appropriate women (The same sixty (60) years of age that I'll be on that date) will be going through menopause. Though being born male, menopause will never be a problem, I'll never be able to reproduce with an age appropriate woman beyond the date February 15, 2030 and that's going to be seventeen years from starting January 1, 2013. I have only seventeen years left to find a wife and start a family before that opportunity is lost forever. Yeah, I can still get married. But the age appropriate woman won't be able to reproduce beyond February 15, 2030. Time is flying past much too quickly and I have the grey hair on my head to prove it. And here I am still living in my Mom's house with my life moving backwards instead of forward. Moving backwards isn't considered to be progress, but rather moving backwards is considered to be moving backwards. What am I going to do when I'm sixty-two (62) years old on February 15, 2030 and I'm still living in my Mom's house? What am I going to do when I can't produce children anymore on February 15, 2030 because all the age appropriate woman have all gone through menopause. Am I going to say, "Hey, I'm going to be a sixty-two (62) year old man having sex with a lady who's young enough to be my granddaughter just so I can produce a family." Thoughts like that are on my mind recently.     
Here are some photos of Lindsay Lohan

Julianne Hough

Mila Kunis

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