Thursday, December 13, 2012


Oh wow, what a surprise.  Lindsay Lohan has been arrested again.  This time for driving her Porsche backwards into a dump truck which resulted in reckless driving, obstructing a police investigation and lying to police officers when asked about her latest criminal misadventures.  So now her probation has been revoked and she could spend eight months in jail.  And here I was hoping that she put all her legal problems behind her and moved forward with a cleaner and much saner mentality.  Not only is Lindsay Lohan minus a Porsche, but her criminal record is getting longer and longer which makes it harder to sweep under the rug.  It will be hard for Lindsay Lohan to apply for a job at McDonalds Restaurant with a growing criminal record of such Wagnerian proportions.  What, you actually thing that film directors will actually want to hire Lindsay Lohan if she keeps messing up this frequently to such disturbing levels of criminal mischief?

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