Monday, December 31, 2012


It's New Years Eve everybody.  The year 2013 is only a few hours away.  Soon the Gentle Reader and I will be saying goodbye to 2012 and saying hello to 2013.  And soon the New Years Day celebration shall begin.  And Cleveland, Ohio is still blanketed in snow as the New Years festivities get closer and closer.  And if I don't get the chance to say this much sooner to the event, Happy New Years Day everybody.  I can't wait to see what the year 2013 has in store for us all.  At any rate, if there were any incomplete projects that were supposed to be completed by the end of 2012 that still hasn't been done yet, I guess it's way too late.  There's always 2013 though. 
And as I'm lost in thought on New Years Day, here are some photos of film actress, television actress and rock star Hilary Duff.






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