Friday, December 21, 2012


Well it's halfway through the day and the Mayan Indian end of the world revenge strategy still hasn't arrived. It's a bit on an anti-climax. All this build up towards some horrible Mayan Indian Tribal monster crawling from under the Earth and tearing the whole planet apart except those who belong to the South American Mayan Indian Tribe. And those who don't get eaten by this Mayan Indian Death Monster are attacked by Mayan Indians blowing poison darts, eaten by flying Mayan GODS who breath fire and brimstone. Cities swallowed by the Earth and drown in molten lava. Christianity being replaced by Mayan Indian religion ideology. Those without Mayan tribal housing are forced to get themselves a Mayan Tribal type of housing. All that and more was expected to take place today and nothing occured. Not a single flying Mayan GOD was seen attacking Cleveland, Ohio today. Nothing but the falling snow and nothing else. Still, only half of the day has been concluded. There's still the other half of the day for the Mayan South American Indian Tribe to wreck revenge against us Caucasians.
And while I'm lost in thought about vengeful Mayan Indian armies marching against the United States of America, here are some photos of film and television actress Gillian Anderson.

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