Monday, December 24, 2012


It goes without saying that it would be a mistake to go swimming outside when there's snow on the ground.  There's too much of a chance for hyperthermia.  Yes, there are indoor swimming pools available somewhere in Cleveland, Ohio.  However, I can't afford the cost of an indoor swimming pool right now.  So I guess swimming isn't going to happen today.  So what will I be doing instead?  Well, I still need to eat breakfast.  So I guess I'll start with breakfast and then I'll see what happens when breakfast is concluded.  A steaming mug of coffee is perfect on a cold snow covered day such as today.  Some oatmeal perhaps?  Maybe some dry cereal.  I'm sure I'll figure something out.
And as I'm lost in thought about swimming pools and building snowpeople outside, here are some photos of television actress and rock star (She has MP3 songs posted) Ariana Grande.

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