Sunday, December 9, 2012


There's only so much tabloid talk shows one person can tolerate before it becomes a bit much.  And I was only watching the tabloid talk show because there was nothing else on and I was finishing a late night lasagna meal.  And it's probably time to start turning off the tabloid talk show when I end up falling asleep while watching it.  Yeah, it's late at night and I should be in bed right now.  And I'm going to bed when somewhere close to this sentence is finished up.  Ok, perhaps a few more sentences and then I'll go to bed.  At any rate, what does the Gentle Reader prefer for daytime television---Tabloid talk shows or daytime soap operas?  Or perhaps adaptations of classic literature?  Perhaps classic literature is too classy for daytime television. 
And as I'm lost in thought in front of the television while eating lasagna, here are some photos of film actress, television actress and rock star Miley Cyrus.


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