Saturday, December 22, 2012


The Beatles Abby Road album terrified Avril Lavigne so much, that violence is the only solution.  Her terrified fear of Beatles albums in general and the Abby Road album in particular can only be responded to with road rage violence.  Maybe it's because the Beatles kind of looked like homeless vagrants on the photographs taken during the Abby Road recording studio sessions.  Maybe it's because she was traumatized when the Beatles Abby Road album was played.  Maybe somebody purchasing the Beatles Abby Road album was a message to a teenage girl named Abby.  Whatever the case, Avril Lavigne can never recover from her paranoid homicidal fear of the Beatles album Abby Road as she goes into a crazed road rage fury.  That's ok, Avril Lavigne will always get away with it because she has a better defence lawyer than you do.  Everybody knows that violating the rules and the law is always perfectly alright as long as the best defense lawyer in town is around to help bail out Avril Lavigne.

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