Friday, December 14, 2012


There's been a lot of promises of huge actors and even bigger writers attached to the Star Wars Episode VII and Star Wars Episode VIII.  However, when I checked, there's nothing listed in the actors or writers section.  I guess there's a huge difference between these huge actors saying how great it would be do do a Star Wars film and actually signing a contract to be committed to the project.  And we only have three years to go before the 2015 release date for Star Wars Episode VII.  And with how slow it's been to get anything moving in this currently in development film projects, I start to wonder if George Lucas sold Lucasfilm because he knew that getting anymore Star Wars film projects was financially impossible.  I mean, huge actors are expensive.  Huge writers are expensive.  Huge sets are expensive.  Huge computer generated image (CGI) special effects are expensive.  What happens if Lucasfilm was close to bankruptcy?  I don't know if such a claim really is genuine.  I never met anybody famous except perhaps to get an autograph.  I'm only making guesses.  However, even though the prospect of a Star Wars Episode VII and a Star Wars Episode VIII would be a lot of fun to see in movie theaters, I start to wonder if such a concept will happen anytime before the year 2068 (The year I turn 100 years old).  Of course, it's still the year 2012 and the year 2015 is only three years away.  There's still a chance that Star Wars Episode VII might actually get a full cast assembled someday between now and 2015. 
And as I'm lost in thought about Star Wars, here are some photos of film actress Natalie Portman.

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