Saturday, December 22, 2012


The Gentle Reader and I always have insisted that the two of us has plenty of time.  And so the Gentle Reader and I would procrastinate a little bit more.  Seconds turn into minutes.  Minutes turn into hours.  Hours turn into days.  Days turn into weeks.  Weeks turn into months.  Months turn into years.  Years turn into decades.  And then the Gentle Reader and I wake up from the daydream of having plenty of time to realize that time has run out.  Never take the passage of time for granted because time can run out on you when you're not careful enough in time management.  Never say, "I'll do it tomorrow," If it can be done today.  Never turn down a chance for self-improvement when it's offered.  Another chance for self-improvement may never be offered again.  So grab the chance for self-improvement with both hands and yell out, "I'm not going to procrastinate anymore."  And then you won't go into mid-life crises panic attack mode when middle age turns out to be only a mere six years away (Which is happening to me right now).
And while I'm lost in thought about clocks and the passage of time, here are some photos of film actress Charlize Theron.

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