Saturday, December 22, 2012


Well, it's the December 22, 2012 and the Mayan Death Curse that was supposed to end the world never happened. The world today is the same as yesterday. Nothing happened except the falling snow that's still on the ground. And I'm glad that the world didn't end. Don't get me wrong, a Mayan is more than qualfied to be President of the United States. However, I'd prefer that the Mayan run for President of the United States in a manner that isn't dependent on genocide and supernatural war between South American and Mexican Indian death GODS and normal South American and Mexican GODS waging war on mortal soil. You know what I mean. Primaries, caucasis, debates, choosing a Vice President and the month of November. Well, anyway, the world didn't end yesterday and the Human Race gets to live to fight another day. 
And as I'm lost in thought about Mayan South American Indian death curses destroying the planet Earth keeping alive only the Mayan Indians, here are some photos of film and television actress Gillian Anderson.

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