Monday, December 17, 2012


I'm not married to anybody.  I never was married to anybody.  There's no wedding rings on my finger to prove it.  There are no legal documents either.  I never procreated with anybody.  I don't have any children.  Don't get me wrong, I would like to get married and procreate with a woman, but such an opportunity never arrived.  And so I'm a forty-four year old virgin who never married.  Yeah, I can create a make believe girlfriend and make this make believe girlfriend the most unreasonably jealous for no reason monster the world has ever seen.  However, creating a psychotic make believe girlfriend won't be fair to me and it won't be fair to women who really does exist who might actually want to go out on a date with me.  Plus, make believe friends is always a one way ticket to the funny farm and that's a path I'm not interested in taking.  I mean, honestly, is there really a sane guy out there who said, "Oh wow, what I really want is to be hounded by a make believe fictional hallucinatory ex-wife from Hell because a woman who actually treats me with respect ruins film deals that I have no control over."  Only a lunatic talks like that. 
Sorry, I got carried away with a weird tangent.  I'm not married.  I never procreated.  I'm both single and a virgin.  I keep hoping that someday I'll have the chance to go steady with a woman.  Optimistic hope for a better future is always much better than pessimism. 
And as I'm lost in thought about tacos and refried beans, here are some photos of classical music singer Katherine Jenkins.

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