Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Christmas is over Gentle Reader.  The last hours has come and past.  And soon it will be time to put away the Christmas tree and the Christmas decorations.  But it's not yet time for the celebration to end.  Because now it's time to start the slow and gradual build up towards New Years Day because the year 2013 is almost upon us all.  But right now, this exact second, Christmas has come to an end.  And all the stores that closed on Christmas Day will reopen.  And Santa Claus will go into hibernation yet again.  And I hope the Gentle Reader got all the presents that the Gentle Reader have asked for.  And with luck, the lessons of humanity and friendship to all educated on Christmas Day will be continued for what's left of 2012 and continued on 2013.  So get ready a bottle of champaign because New Years Day 2013 is almost here.
And as I'm lost in thought on Christmas Day, here are some photos of film and television actress Lea Michele.

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