Tuesday, December 18, 2012


What's today's date?  December 18, 2012.  Shouldn't it be snowing?  Because it doesn't look as if it's snowing right now.  Right now, it's raining.  Ok, the difference between snow, ice and rain is only a few tempretures either upwards or downwards.  Still, it's not normal for rain to fall in December in Cleveland, Ohio.  Don't get me wrong.  I enjoy mild winters.  However, polar ice caps are melting due to the Hole in the Ozone Layer resulting in the Greenhouse Effect.  And for the sake of polar bears and penguins, I hope mild winters isn't the result of Global Warming.  Still, I'm enjoying the mild winters.  It's easier for me to walk three miles to my destination without snow on the ground.  And I normally would be riding a bike three miles to my destination, but my bike kept getting flat tires and efforts to fix that problem kept getting defeated by dark impossible to defeat forces far beyond my control.  So I guess I'll be walking instead of bike riding.  But let's focus on the positive.  Or rather, I hope it's positive (Assuming it isn't because of Global Warming).  And the positive is that it's not cold enough for snow to fall.  No snow to shovel from the driveway.  No ice to chip away with my shovel.  Less work for me to do.  That's a good thing.  And if there is Global Warming going on, does that mean that there will be palm trees in Cleveland, Ohio someday?
And as I'm lost in thought while watching the falling rain seconds before I prepare breakfast, here are some photos of film actress, television actress and rock star Victoria Justice.

Film actress Hailee Steinfeld and Victoria Justice

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