Saturday, January 12, 2013


Bob Harper is either about to toss his Biggest Loser co-fitness trainer Jillian Michaels or he's lighting weights with the girl as a barbell.  Let's take a step backwards in time to figure this crises situation out.  I'm sure there's a good reason for this situation.
The conversation between Bob Harper and Jillian Michaels was polite and cival before exploding into violence without warning.  I guess there was always something weird going on inside Bob Harper right from the start.  It must've been the weird and sick way he kept looking at Jillian Michaels and that weird sick way he would smile at her.  Perhaps it's because he kept insisting on fixing his bicycle inside a store that also sold guns.  Whatever was going on, it was only a matter of time before Bob Harper started to snap which is why he's now about to toss Jillian Michaels across the room with an angry psychotic smirk on his face.  Fellow athletic trainer Dolvett Quince and Days of Our Lives soap opera actress Alison Sweeney tried to warn Jillian Michaels that Bob Harper was starting to unravel and his weird psychotic comic book collecting addiction was proof that he was starting to become a danger to himself and others.  And then he started to release a demon like howl in the middle of the night started to make Jillian Michaels terrified to be inside her own home, but she never called the police because she was afraid that Bob Harper would fool the police into not pressing charges.  And Dolvett Quince and Alison Sweeney tried to convince Jillian Michaels to take vigilantee action if the police refuses to punish Bob Harper for constantly threatening to kill Jillian Michaels with his comic book reading, gun collecting, bike riding and girl punching antics.
And now it's too late....
....Because Bob Harper is about to murder Jillian Michaels and there's nothing she can do to save herself from Bob Harper's homicidal rage that he's needlessly directing against her without cause, reason or motivation. Today is the day Jillian Michaels dies in an unprovoked act of murder one against her.
This story will be continued tomorrow....

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