Tuesday, January 15, 2013


It took less than an hour to set up Christmas tree, Christmas tree decorations and Christmas decorations.  It took close to a month just to take it all down.  I'm not sure why it's easier to set up Christmas tree, Christmas tree orniments and Christmas decorations, but it's harder to take it all down.  I mean, the same amount of labor to set it all up should've been the same amount of labor to take it all down.  Perhaps, it's having to accept the actual end of Christmas might be so depressing, that it's easier to keep it all up in hopes that Christmas will do a u-turn and return back to us for a few more days, weeks or months.  Of course, such hopes always ends in futility, but it's always good to dream that such a thing were possible.
And as I'm lost in thought on an unusually warm Winter day, here are some photos of film and television actress Hayden Panettiere.

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