Tuesday, January 29, 2013


A life dedicated to not causing pain against other people isn't a mistake.  A life dedicated to obeying the law isn't a mistake.  A life dedicated to helping out other people isn't a mistake.  A life that helps make the community stronger and more effective isn't a mistake.  A life dedicated to being nice and pleasent to everybody---Mortal enemies included isn't a mistake.  And anybody who claims that the life of a criminal dedicated to hurting everybody around him/her has much more of a right to exist than a man who lived a clean, pleasent moral existance is a fool waiting for a disaster to happen.  Don't let anybody talk you out of a clean, moral existance because you're the only decent person in a room filled with fools.
And as I'm lost in thought regarding philosphy, here are some photos of country music star Taylor Swift.

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