Thursday, January 24, 2013


Gentle Reader, I have thought about writing a silly Internet blog entry, but no forms of comedy comes to my mind right now.  Night has fallen.  It's almost time to get some sleep.  And then it will be time to wake up a few hours from now and the whole twenty-four hour cycle repeats itself.  And try as we might to attempt to be the center of the universe, time continues to repeat it's twenty-four hour long cycle over and over again long after even the most important of us has past away into dust.  And the castles and the monuments to the most important person crumbles into dust and ruin and time continues it's twenty-four hour cycle.  Try to launch wars and battles to stop time, but such efforts are always in vain.  For time is the one constant that is never changing and always existing.  And in the end, even the most important of us must respect the awe inspiring impact that time has upon us all.  And the power that time has ove us can frighten the most important of us all and for a very good reason too.
And as I'm lost in thought about time, here are some photos of film and television actress Willa Holland.

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