Thursday, January 17, 2013


Does anybody know where I could purchase a pogo stick?  Does anybody know where I could learn how to use a pogo stick?  I mean, some people have been seeing pogo sticks around, but not know where to purchase or learn how to use such a thing.  There might be a pogo stick enthusiast being cheated out of their love for pogo sticks.  I've been having trouble riding bikes because some impossible to defeat force of nature keeps popping bike tires and is tirelessly invincible in such a regard.  Perhaps it might be easier for me to travel in a non-walking six miles a day (Three miles to walk to my destination and three miles to walk back from my destination) if I'm hopping around on a pogo stick.  But no, somebody have decided that pogo sticks isn't proper enough to be sold in sporting goods stores.  So I must delay my love for pogo sticks because some corporate executive have decided that pogo sticks isn't profitable enough.  So we weep and moan for the loss of some really good pogo stick athletic competition.  And the world will keep spinning regarding the loss of pogo sticks everywhere, but the skies are greyer because of it. 
And with the goal of finding a way to bring pogo sticks back into circulation, I followed Jennette McCurdy at the Creative Arts Emmy Awards.  Don't ask me how I manage to sneak into the Creative Arts Emmy Awards without a backstage access pass.  Just trust me that if there was a way to sneak into the most secure locations on Earth, that there's always a way around anything.  Heck, I have fake forged back stage access passes at all rock concerts and awards ceremonies anywhere.  I could've grabbed Jennette McCurdy at anytime, but I waited and I played around with the lady as her confidence and happiness drained away and was replaced by a terrified and scared young lady waiting in moritified fear of something horrible to happen.  And yes, that's part of my goal all along.
Jennette McCurdy encountered Miranda Cosgrove and the two women talked with each other.  And poor Jennette McCurdy thought that there was safety in numbers, but it only increased the numbers of targets from one woman to two.
Nosey paparazzi following Ariana Grande as she's trying to go out on a date in privacy.  And the paparazzi wasn't the only thing chasing after the woman.  The difference between the paparazzi and myself is that I was much better at keeping myself secret and conceiled.
 Jennette McCurdy before traveling to the airport.  She thougth she finally lost me.  She thought she was safe.  She was wrong.  I was always inches away from grabbing her, but she wasn't aware of it most of the time.
Jennette McCurdy at the airport.  Some chick who looks like Ariana Grande is also hanging around here at the airport complex.  Soon will be the time for me to make a move.  I just need the right time.
And it was tough for me to take both Ariana Grande and Jennette McCurdy hostage.  And I threatened to kill Ariana Grande if pogo sticks isn't brought back into circulation.  And the hostage negotiater I was arguing with told me that no deals would be made, I sliced open Ariana's thoat and splashed her blood all over the place.  And I made the same threat concerning Jennette.  And when the hostage negotiator rejected all of my terms, I sliced open Jennette's throat open too.
What should I do?  I'm determined to bring pogo sticks back into circulation, so I followed Miranda Cosgrove at the airport.  And when she wasn't looking, I grabbed Miranda Cosgrove too.  I'll keep trying and trying until I get the answer I'm looking for.  I'm bound to find the solution to my problem. 
And so I grabbed Miranda Cosgrove and I held her hostage.  The only ransom I asked for was for pogo sticks to be brought back into circulation.  And the hostage negotiator in question told me to just kill the girl because my terms are rejected.  So I sliced open Miranda Cosgrove's throat open too.
What should I do?  I'm running out of girls to take hostage.  There's one last card to play.  So I Victoria Justice around as she performed live in concert.  But there was never the right place to grab her, but I was optimistic that something will turn up.
Dakota Fanning and Elle Fanning arrived from out of town to the airport.  I waited for both Dakota Fanning and her sister Elle Fanning to depart from the airplane.

 Elle Fanning walked ahead of her sister Dakota in hopes of grabbing a cab while her sister grabbed the luggage.

Instead of grabbing the cab, Elle Fanning got grabbed by me instead.  I held Elle Fanning and I could hear Dakota sobbing in the other end of the line as the hostage negotiator told me to just kill the girl because I has no intention of paying the ransome.  So I sliced open Elle Fanning's throat as ordered.  And it took only a few minutes for Elle Fanning to die.
Victoria Justice was at the airport the next day.  I was at the airport too.
And I asked for the usual demands from the hostage negotiator after I took Victoria Justice hostage at the airport.  I only asked for pogo sticks to be brought back into circulation.  And the hostage negotiator told me the same that he told me in the past.  Just kill the girl because he refuses to pay the ransom nor will he fight to reclaim the girl under any circumstances.  So I sliced her throat open. 
Well you know how it is.  Horror film victems who survived a near fatal murder attack must return to the scene where they almost died so they can get attacked over and over again until they finally die.  And that was the case for Dakota Fanning.  The foolish girl had to return to the airport.  And she had to make it easy for me to follow her from a safe distance.

And she had to make it easy for me to grab her and take her hostage.  And it was Dakota Fanning's turn to scream for help as I told the hostage negotiator the same thing.  I'll release Dakota Fanning unharmed only if pogo sticks are available for sale in sporting goods stores nationwide.  And the Hostage Negotiator told me to go to Hell and just kill the girl because no deals will be made.  The Hostage Negotiator didn't want to be hounded to homelessness for trying to rescue a hostage so it's better if Dakota Fanning just simply died.  So I sliced open Dakota Fanning's throat and I watched with a smile on my face as the girl died alongide the corpse of her kidnapped and murdered sister Elle.  Both sisters were together in life and both sisters are together in death too.  And I watched as both Fanning sisters died on two seperate days.  Well, I never brought pogo sticks back into circulation.  And for that, I'm sorry. 

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