Saturday, January 19, 2013


Let's get something straight.  I never abandoned anybody born female nor am I guilty of adultry.  And I know that for a fact because I never married.  I never had a girlfriend.  I never went steady with anybody born female.  I can't be guilty of abondoning or having an affair against somebody born female if I never had a girlfriend or a wife in the first place.  My sex life has been so lethargic that mold is starting to grow on it.  And yes, it looks as if I'm going to be the male equivilent of being an old maid due my inability to find anybody born female willing to go steady with me.  Most of the females are so prone to run for the hills in terror at the prospect of going steady with me that I'm often forced to purge anything remotely sexual to literal non-existance.  And I know what the saying goes.  That true love with somebody born female will happen when I'm not actively looking for it.  And I'll tend to scare women off when I'm actively looking for it.  So it's a matter of pretending that I'm not looking for true love with somebody born female when in reality, I never stopped looking for a girlfriend opportunity.  And so my life is an existance of waiting for life to begin and not expressing frustration when my life still hasn't started at the age of forty-four. 
And as I'm lost in thought about being lost in thought, here are some photos of actress Julie Benz.

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