Wednesday, January 30, 2013


And so I was greated by the pouring rain as I took the pet dogs Furby the Furball and Elaina Baina outside for a walk.  It was a cold sort of rain and I could feel the wind blowing rather hard.  It wasn't hard enough to get that giant windmill blades moving, but it was blowing hard enough to blow twigs onto the back lawn to be gathered up when the weather improves.  There's this tree in the backyard that's always dumping an insane number of twigs onto the back lawn to be picked up later and that tree never runs out of twigs to dump upon the grass.  Yes, there's grass outside.  All the snow is gone and melted away.  Perhaps the snow will be back.  The evening news weather reports is always making promises.  And when the snow falls, it tends to melt away a few days later to be replaced by much warmer weather.  It's as if arctic Winter weather is afraid to sit down, rest it's weary bones and stay for a while.  It's bad news for polar bears and penguins.  However, I don't need to shovel the driveway the next day.  Right now, it's late and night and it's almost time for bed.  I'm just staying up long enough to finish this sentence before I go to bed and start having sweet dreams---The type of dreams a guy tends to have after scraping off the wallpaper before a dentist appointment.
And as I'm lost in thought in the pouring rain, here are some photos of film and television actress Michelle Trachtenberg.

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