Friday, January 25, 2013


The bright blue sky of yesterday has been replaced by the cloudy grey skies of today.  And snow falls again.  And the driveway will be needed to be shoveled again.  It's not much of a snow storm.  There won't be much snow to shovel away.  The pine trees look perfectly in place with the falling snow.  The bare trees is hauntingly stark with the patient waiting for Spring to arrive.  And yes, it looked as if Spring would arrive early, but it does't like that now.  Winter has return and has brought freezing cold tempretures with it.  However, the Gentle Reader and I can't be expected to enjoy the scorching hot delight of Summer without first going through the bitter cold frost of Winter.  Sometimes, the warmth of Summer is much better as a reward for going through the bitterness of Winter.
And as I'm lost in thought about the falling snow, here are some photos of the following celebrities.
Film actress Gemma Arterton


Famke Janssen

Pihla Viitala

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