Tuesday, January 22, 2013


It no longer feels like either late Spring and early Auttumn. Rather, it feels like Winter once again. There's not much snow on the ground. It took less than ten minutes to shovel the driveway (Instead of taking close to thirty minutes). The arctic frost that was predicted for yesterday and today has become reality. So I guess that doppler radar is useful for the television news weather reports after all.
In other news, Lindsay Lohan (Who I never met) was offered $550,000.00 to do Dancing with the Stars despite having massive unpaid taxes and being blacklisted by Hollywood for...
1. Being a difficult diva of an actress
2. Drug addiction
3. Drunk driving
4. Violating terms of parole and making enemies of her parole officer.
If I were advising Lindsay Lohan, I'd demand rather strongly that she accept the Dancing with the Stars gig because $550,000.00 is way too much money to possibly turn down. Who cares if it's $500,000.00 to do trash tabloid reality television. It's $500,000.00 closer to paying off her unpaid income taxes. Remember Wesley Snipes? He's now in jail for unpaid income taxes so this is a serious issue.  If that isn't enough to motivate Lindsay Lohan to change her mind, how about this option.  First, convince Ann Romney to change her mind and compete on the next season of Dancing with the Stars.  Second, convince Lindsay Lohan to change her mind and compete on Dancing with the Stars.  Third, have Ann Romney and Lindsay Lohan compete against each other on Dancing with the Stars.  Oh yes, that should be a lot of fun.  :)
And as I'm lost in thought in the falling snow, here are some photos of the following celebrities.
Lindsay Lohan

Jessica Alba

Carrie Underwood

Jessica Chastain

 Claire Danes

 Naomi Watts

Amy Adams

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