Friday, January 18, 2013


National Riffle Association (NRA) publicity alert.  The movie poster for this upcoming movie probably says it all.  Purchase yourself a gun and you'll be an instant chick magnet.  There's nothing hot chicks likes more than a scary guy holding a gun over their heads.  I'm sure the movie itself will be both fun and memorable to watch, but it appears as if Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Benson and Rachel Korine is oblivious that James Franco is still holding a gun over his head.  I guess spring break at where ever this film is set in has a silly and fun shootout with other scary people with guns before breaking out the beer and knocking boots together.  Excessive drunk behavior and loaded guns always goes perfectly together in movies about teenagers.  I never had spring break that looks even remotely similar to this.
The above people are professional actors.  Don't try to get drunk (And possibly stoned) with a loaded handgun at home.
To play Devil's Advocate, the Spring Break vacation of Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Benson and Rachel Korine starts off peaceful, nonviolent and uneventful.

 And that's before somebody telephones the cops to get Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Benson and Rachel Korine arrested.  Was James Franco and his gun involved somehow?

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