Thursday, January 31, 2013


It doesn't look very impressive at first.  The soon to be discarded wallpaper that I'm taking off in the kitchen comes off in very tiny itty bitty pieces.  The pieces of soon to be discarded wallpaper is so tiny, that it really doesn't count as progress.  And it's easy to lose hope because the particle of soon to be discarded wallpaper is so pathetic looking.  And then I scrape off another tiny piece.  And another.  And before I know it, close to an hour has gone by and an entire wall worth of wallpaper is gone and left behind the bare wall under it all.  And then it turned out that what appeared to be a pathetic looking micro sliver of a wallpaper is just another step towards removing the entire wallpaper and liberating the kitchen from being attached to it.  Then it stops being pathetic and it starts to become magnificence.
And as I'm lost in thought while scraping off the wallpaper, here are some photos of film actress Ashley Greene.

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