Saturday, February 9, 2013


It's the midway point between morning and evening.  It's also a few days before Ash Wednesday.  It's not Easter yet, but it's getting closer.  Actually, Valentines Day is closer than Easter.  Still, Ash Wednesday is a great time to eat fish.  And since most of the Apostles following Jesus Christ were Fishermen by trade before following GOD instead, fish on Ash Wednesday makes a lot of sence.  And since Red Lobster is mostly a seafood restaurant, it's the perfect way to enjoy a fish dinner on Ash Wednesday.  And it's easy for me to promote Red Lobster Restaurant since I'm an employee of the restaurant. 
And as I'm lost in thought about Valentines Day and Ash Wednesday, here are some photos of the following celebrities.
Emma Watson

Lucy Watson (Emma Watson's half sister)

Demi Lovato

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